We fill in the gaps!

Minimising the risk
Dentures are designed to last. They’re durable and strong, and don’t break easily, but it can happen. The most common cause of damage to dentures, other than wear and tear, is dropping them while removing them. We recommend minimising the risk of breakage by laying a folded towel on the surface in front of you to cushion the impact should you drop them. If you remove your dentures over your sink, we suggest half filling it with water.
If the worst happens, however, we can help. Carefully gather the pieces together, and put them somewhere clean and safe, ready for repair. Contact our team promptly and we’ll get to you as quickly as possible to complete the repair.

Call now on 07957 719377

Call now on 07957 719377
How we can help with broken dentures
When a plate has broken, we can fix it by using acrylic to bond the pieces together again. For chipped or broken teeth, we will remove the damaged tooth and replace it with a new one that is colour matched to the others. Most repairs are completed within an hour, and we’re always happy to offer a same day service. Please do not try a temporary fix at home – this will make it harder for us to affect a complete repair and can damage the denture further. Sharp edges can also hurt you should you try to use your denture without professional repairs.